Name-Based Greek Letter Expansions

By Su-Well

Expand :[letter name] to the corresponding greek letter. The first character determines the letter case


Paste this command in a terminal to install the package

espanso install greek-letters-alt

Greek Letters from Espanso

This plugin allows Espanso users easily type greek letters by expanding :[letter name] to the corresponding greek letter. The first character determines the letter case. For instance:
--> Π
--> π
will expand to the entire list of available letters:
Alpha: Αα Beta: Ββ Delta: Δδ Epsilon: Εε Phi: Φφ Gamma: Γγ Eta: Ηη Iota: Ιι Theta: Θθ Kappa: Κκ Lambda: Λλ Mu: Μμ Nu: Νν Omicron: Οο Pi: Ππ Chi: Χχ Rho: Ρρ Sigma: Σσ Tau: Ττ Upsilon: Υυ Omega: Ωω Xi: Ξξ Psi: Ψψ Zeta: Ζζ