By Stephen YearlA selection of shortcodes for the Hugo static site generator. platform.
Paste this command in a terminal to install the package
espanso install hugo-shortcodes
# 2022-03-12T12:00:49+0000
# salopst
# Some Espanso triggers for Hugo Shortcodes
- trigger: ":hf"
replace: "{{< figure src=\"$|$\" title=\"FIGURE_TITLE\" >}}"
- trigger: ":hg"
replace: "{{< gist GIT_USER_NAME GIST_ID >}}"
- trigger: ":hil"
replace: |-
{{< highlight $|$SYNTAX_LANG >}}
{{< /highlight >}}
- trigger: ":hin"
replace: "{{< instagram $|$INSTAGRAM_ID hidecaption >}}"
- trigger: ":hp"
replace: "{{< param $|$PARAMETER_NAME >}}"
# generates absolute href
- trigger: ":href"
replace: "{{< ref \"$|$ANCHOR_TARGET\" >}}"
# generates relative href
- trigger: ":hrel"
replace: "{{< relref \"$|$ANCHOR_TARGET\" >}}"
- trigger: ":ht"
replace: "{{< tweet user=\"$|$\" id=\"TWEET_ID\" >}}"
- trigger: ":hv"
replace: "{{< vimeo $|$VIMEO_ID >}}"
- trigger: ":hy"
replace: "{{< youtube id=\"$|$YOUTUBE_ID\" title=\"VIDEO_TITLE\" autoplay=\"TRUE_|_FALSE\" >}}"
- trigger: ":him"
replace: "{{< image src=\"/uploads/$|$IMAGE_FILE_NAME\" alt=\"ALT_TEXT\" position=\"center\" style=\"border-radius: 30px;\" >}}"