Joplin Shortcut

By Alexander Ikensen

Shortcuts for Joplin


Paste this command in a terminal to install the package

espanso install jops
# Originally the package was written with global variables # but this has been changed for duplicated local variables 😒 # because while espanso .deb worked just fine # AppImage didn't like it for some reason # TODO # ? clipboard todo due date menu :ctd # ? default tags # test suite # Notebook list & IDs: replace for-loop to while-loop; matches: # One time initialization screen - trigger: :jop replace: "{{clientTokenSave}}{{parentsave}} Success 👍" vars: ## Prompt user for auth token - name: input type: form params: layout: | You're about to enable Joplin shortcuts 👍 Please grant permission to access your notes at the main Joplin screen Optionally you may set a default notebook by pasting its external link here [[parentid]] You can get this external link with Right click on the notebook Copy external link ## Creates a file with authorization token in default joplin folder # Saves Joplin's master api token directly # currently depreciated and replaced # with requesting this token every time an action is performed # because more secure # - name: authsave # type: shell # params: # cmd: "echo {{input.token}} > ~/.config/joplin/.auth" - name: parentsave type: shell params: cmd: "echo {{input.parentid}} | sed 's.joplin://x-callback-url/openFolder?id=..'> ~/.config/Joplin/.parentid" - name: clientTokenSave type: shell params: cmd: curl -X POST http://localhost:41184/auth | sed "s/{.*\"auth_token\":\"\([^\"]*\).*}/\1/g" > ~/.config/Joplin/.auth # Make note - trigger: :mn replace: "{{note}}" vars: - name: data type: form params: layout: "[[text]]" - name: authRead type: shell params: cmd: cat ~/.config/Joplin/.auth - name: masterToken type: shell params: cmd: curl -X GET http://localhost:41184/auth/check?auth_token={{authRead}} | sed "s/{.*\"token\":\"\([^\"]*\).*}/\1/g" - name: defaultNotebook type: shell params: cmd: cat ~/.config/Joplin/.parentid - name: note type: shell params: cmd: "curl --silent --output /dev/null --data '{\"title\": \"📓 Quick note\", \"body\": \" {{data.text}} \", \"parent_id\": \"{{defaultNotebook}}\" }' http://localhost:41184/notes?token={{masterToken}}" # Make todo - trigger: :mt replace: "{{todo}}" vars: - name: data type: form params: layout: "[[text]]" - name: authRead type: shell params: cmd: cat ~/.config/Joplin/.auth