- name: urlprompt
type: echo
echo: "Title: {{oasisform.title}}%0AYou will use the OASIS IS model to start a conversation.%0A1) Objective: What do you wish to accomplish?%0A2) Archetype: Persona, identity, character, or profile. This can be generic like a manager with 20 years workplace mediation experience, or specific like Batman, Mark Twain, or Jack Sparrow.%0A3) Setting: Context or background information.%0A4) Illustrations: These are your examples. This is Optional.%0A5) Style: The tone, mood, or voice. Examples: comedic, formal, casual, business casual.%0A6) Interpretation: Output Framework or Structure.%0A7) Specification: This is the output style, format, or how the output should look like. Examples: Table, List, Paragraph, Code Block, etc.%0A%0A
Title: {{oasisform.title}} / Model: {{oasisform.model}}%0A
1) What I want you to accomplish: {{oasisform.objective}}%0A
2) Using this persona: {{oasisform.archetype}}%0A
3) Here is additional Context: {{oasisform.setting}}%0A
4) Here are Examples: {{oasisform.illustrations}}%0A
5) Tone/Mode/Voice: {{}}%0A
6) I want the output to follow this output framework: {{oasisform.interpretation}}%0A
7) Output should look like: {{oasisform.specification}}%0A
- name: boxprompt
type: echo
echo: "Title: {{oasisform.title}}\nYou will use the OASIS IS model to start a conversation.\n1) Objective: What do you wish to accomplish?\n2)Archetype: Persona, identity, character, or profile. This can be generic like a manager with 20 years workplace mediation experience, or specific like Batman, Mark Twain, or Jack Sparrow.\n3) Setting: Context or background information.\n4) Illustrations: These are your examples. This is Optional.\n5) Style: The tone, mood, or voice. Examples: comedic, formal, casual, business casual.\n6) Interpretation: Output Framework or Structure.\n7) Specification: This is the output style, format, or how the output should look like. Examples: Table, List, Paragraph, Code Block, etc.\n\n
Title: {{oasisform.title}}\n
1) What I want you to accomplish: {{oasisform.objective}}\n
2) Using this persona: {{oasisform.archetype}}\n
3) Here is additional Context: {{oasisform.setting}}\n
4) Here are Examples: {{oasisform.illustrations}}\n
5) Tone/Mode/Voice: {{}}\n
6) I want the output to follow this output framework: {{oasisform.interpretation}}\n
7) Output should look like: {{oasisform.specification}}\n"
- name: formo1
type: echo
echo: "You will need to fill out the following 7 fields. The more you fill out the better the prompt will be. Except for Objective, they are all optional.\n
CONVERSATION TITLE: Name your Chat (This can help you find it later, it does not name it on the left)[[title]]\n
1) Objective: What do you want to accomplish:\n
2) Archetype: Persona, identity, character, or profile. This can be generic like a manager with 20 years workplace mediation experience, or specific like Batman, Mark Twain, or Jack Sparrow:\n
3) Setting: Context or background information:\n
4) Illustrations: These are your examples:\n
5) Style: The tone, mood, or voice. Examples: comedic, formal, casual, business casual:\n
6) Interpretation: Output Framework or Structure: [[interpretation]]\n
7) Specification: This is the output style, format, or how the output should look like. Examples: Table, List, Paragraph, Code Block, etc:\n
- &formfields
multiline: false
multiline: true
multiline: true
multiline: true
type: choice
default: No Framework
- No Framework
- 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion)
- 5 Rights of Nursing Delegation
- 5 Whys
- 5Ws (Who, What, Where, When, Why) & 1H (How)
- ACE (Attention, Connection, Engagement)
- Agile Framework
- AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)
- Ansoff Matrix
- Balanced Scorecard
- Blue Ocean Strategy
- Business Model Canvas
- C.A.R.L. method - Context, Action, Results, Learning
- Claim-Evidence-Reasoning Framework (CER)
- Dan Harmon's Story Circle
- DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control)
- Eisenhower Box (Urgent-Important Matrix)
- Executive Summaries
- Fishbone Diagram (Ishikawa Diagram)
- Five Paragraph Order Planning and Execution
- Freytag's Pyramid / 5 - point Story Structure
- GAP Analysis
- HERO (Hook, Empathy, Response, Offer)
- Inverted Pyramid
- Kano Model
- Literary Story Format - Narrative Structure
- Monroe's Motivated Sequence
- MoSCoW Method
- MOST (Mission, Objectives, Strategies, Tactics)
- OKR (Objectives and Key Results)
- PAPA (Problem, Agitation, Persuasion, Action)